
Saturday, 8 December 2012

Trip to Paris!

Recently I went on a little trip to Paris, as I'd always wanted to go to see the amazing sights that such a beautiful city has to offer. The weather was less-than-perfect, I must say. If you plan on going to Paris, try not to go towards the end of November- the rain is not to be desired, especially if you're planning on taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower! Thankfully, as the day wore on, the rain subsided and we managed to get a good ol' look at the beast.

It was a tiresome day, speed-walking around Paris so that we could get back to the ship on time. We did manage to see all of the main sights though. We even had enough time to venture up to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower- which was magnificent. If I ever go again, then I'll definitely take the long trip up to the top! Another thing that I managed to get done was to go on the Metro (essentially the French version of the Underground that we have in the UK), which was entertaining to say the least. We saw a man do a puppet show for the little kids sat behind us, which was very cute.

Paris fascinated me in only a way that London has before. I've always loved cities and I'm planning on one day moving to either London or Cardiff- whichever the most affordable! I hope that you don't mind that this isn't at all beauty/fashion related.

Leave a comment below if you've ever been or would one day love to go to Paris, or if not- why? 


  1. I've been to paris , quite a few times , it's not very far from where i live and to be honest I'm not a huge fan of Paris . I think London is a way better place to spend a weekend or a few days , i love London ! Paris is okay .. for a shopping day haha :)

    Liyana ♥

    1. I suppose it could be a bit dull if you aren't going for the first time! I do love London, I feel like it has everything there! Thank you for commenting :)

      Katie x

  2. I am so jelly! I would love to go to Paris. Maybe this year if we actually go on holiday, we might go there. It would be nice! :] Lovely photos! What kind of camera is that?

  3. Lovely photos, despite the rainy weather! What an amazing trip :)


